Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Sexiest Pose.

When a little 2.5 years old girl came to my studio with her mom to take picture in my studio, she didn't like it. Even I tried to give something to her to play with. I tried to figure out how to make this girl feel comportable and then I ask her mom "What did you do to make  her feel comportable when you took her picture  at home ". And her mom told me that I have to say " sexy photo "When I said " sexy photo " she was starting to move her body. Good job Jealy. That is sexiest pose I have seen. 

Francisco Gonzalez, The Taekwondo

" One Shot, One Chance "
After seven years taking the picture I never feel nervous but in this job I felt so nervous because he told me that I only got one chance to take this shot. Before I took this shot I was taking my breathe for few seconds to focus on this shot. Bravo ! what amazing shot ! A lot of peoples think I have done in photoshop. This is not photoshop, it's real guys. This picture will publish in Taekwondo Times for July issue.